
新聞中心您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 新聞中心 > YSI1005605105便攜式多參數(shù)水質(zhì)測(cè)定儀分析儀


更新時(shí)間:2017-09-19   點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):1177次

YSI    1005    605105便攜式多參數(shù)水質(zhì)測(cè)定儀分析儀 溶氧儀

YSI    ProODO    626281    Optical Dissolved Oxygen Digital Handheld    
YSI    2002    605202    Galvanic DO Sensor    Professional Plus, Pro20, Pro2030, Pro1020 instruments
YSI    2003    605203    Polarographic DO Sensor    Professional Plus, Pro20, Pro2030, Pro1020 instruments
YSI    ProBOD    605780    Stirring BOD Probe    Professional Plus, Pro20 instruments
YSI    ProOBOD-US    626400    ProOBOD Probe, US    ProODO
YSI    ProOBOD-INT    626401    ProOBOD Probe, International    ProODO
YSI    1001    605101    pH Sensor    Professional Plus, Pro10, Pro1030, Pro1020 instruments
YSI    1002    605102    ORP Sensor    Professional Plus, Pro10, Pro1030, Pro1020 instruments
YSI    1003    605103    pH/ORP Sensor    Professional Plus. Can not be used on Quatro cable assembly
YSI    1004    605104    Ammonium ISE, NH4+    Professional Plus
YSI    1005    605105    Chloride ISE    Professional Plus
YSI    1006    605106    Nitrate ISE    Professional Plus
YSI    5560    5560    Cond, Temp Replaceable Probe    Professional Plus with Quatro cable only, 556
YSI    1001A    605323    1001A Amplified pH Sensor    Professional Plus, Pro10, Pro1030, Pro1020 instruments
YSI    1001A Kit    605216    1001A Amplified pH Sensor Kit*    Professional Plus with 1010-X or 1020-X cables
YSI    1003A    605324    1003A Amplified pH/ORP Combo Sensor    ProPlus with 10-X, 1020-x or 1030-x cable. Can not be used on Quatro cable
YSI    1003A Kit    605050    1003A Amplified pH/ORP Combo Sensor Kit*    ProPlus with 10-X, 1020-x or 1030-x cable. Can not be used on Quatro cable
YSI        655575    Guard extension kit, Pro Series, 556    ProPlus or Pro1020 Instruments
    Item        Used
    No    Description                      With
    626870-1    ProDSS Handheld, No GPS     
    626870-2    ProDSS Handheld with GPS    
    626909-1    DSS-1 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-4    DSS-4 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-10    DSS-10 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-20    DSS-20 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-30    DSS-30 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-40    DSS-40 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-50    DSS-50 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-60    DSS-60 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-70    DSS-70 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-80    DSS-80 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-90    DSS-90 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626909-100    DSS-100 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, No Depth    
    626910-1    DSS-1 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
    626910-4    DSS-4 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
    626910-10    DSS-10 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
    626911-20    DSS-20 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
    626911-30    DSS-30 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
    626911-40    DSS-40 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
    626911-50    DSS-50 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
    626911-60    DSS-60 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
    626911-70    DSS-70 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
YSI    626911-80    DSS-80 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
YSI    626911-90    DSS-90 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
YSI    626911-100    DSS-100 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly, With Depth    
YSI    626900    ProDSS ODO Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor    
YSI    626902    ProDSS Conductivity and Temperature Sensor    
YSI    626901    ProDSS Turbidity Sensor    
YSI    626903    ProDSS pH Sensor with Module    
YSI    626904    ProDSS pH/ORP Sensor with Module    
YSI    626906    ProDSS Ammonium Sensor with Module    
YSI    626905    ProDSS Nitrate Sensor with Module    
YSI    626907    ProDSS Chloride Sensor with Module    
YSI    626963?    Replacement pH Module    
YSI    626964    Replacement pH/ORP Modules    
YSI    626966    Replacement Ammonium Modules    
YSI    626965    Replacement Nitrate Modules    
YSI    626967    Replacement Chloride Modules    
YSI    599080    Flow Cell    
YSI    603056    Flow Cell Mounting Spike    
YSI    626943    External Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery Pack, small    
YSI    626944    External Li-Ion Rechargeable Battery Pack, large    
YSI    626946    Large Hard Sided Carrying Case - 19 x 14 x 8 inches    
YSI    626945    Small Hard Sided Carrying Case - 18 x 13 x 7 inches    
YSI    603075    Large, soft sided carrying case    
YSI    626918    Weight, 1 lb    
YSI    605978    Weight, 4.9 oz    
YSI    626942    Car charger adapter, USB, 12VDC    
YSI    63507    Tripod    
YSI    63517    Ultra clamp    
YSI    603070    Shoulder strap    
YSI    603069    Belt Clip    
YSI    626890    Replacement DSS ODO Sensor Cap    
YSI    626940    ProDSS Battery Charger Kit, US, includes AC switching power supply and 6 ft USB cable    
YSI    626941    ProDSS Battery Charger Kit, International, includes AC switching power supply, 6 ft USB cable and outlet adapters    
YSI    626991    USB cable, 6 ft    
YSI    626992    USB cable, 6 in    
YSI    626846    ProDSS Replacement Battery kit    
YSI    626919    Probe Guard Kit    
YSI    626969    ProDSS USB Flash Drive, user manuals and KorDSS    
YSI    599786    Calibration/storage cup    
YSI    603062    Cable management kit    
YSI    626870-2        
YSI    626910-1, -4, or -10 m Integrated Depth sensor; Indicate cable length when ordering (Example: 626910-4 to indicate the 4-meter length)        
YSI    ProDSS-2    626870-2    ProDSS Handheld with GPS
YSI    6910-1    626910-1    DSS-1 Meter 4 port Cable Assembly w/Depth
YSI    sensor below:        
YSI    6900    626900    ProDSS ODO Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
YSI    6902    626902    ProDSS Conductivity and Temperature Sensor
YSI    6901    626901    ProDSS Turbidity Sensor
YSI    6903    626903    ProDSS pH Sensor with Module
YSI    6904    626904    ProDSS pH/ORP Sensor with Module
YSI    6906    626906    ProDSS Ammonium Sensor with Module
YSI    6905    626905    ProDSS Nitrate Sensor with Module
YSI    6907    626907    ProDSS Chloride Sensor with Module





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