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*Posi-flate氣動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu) 閥



*Posi-flate氣動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu) 閥北京志鴻恒拓科技有限公司









Pneumatic Actuators氣動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)
890 Series890系列


Heavy Duty重型*Posi-flate氣動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu) 閥
Rack and Pinion齒條和齒輪
Extended Life...延長生命…
Up to 15 Million Cycles多達(dá)1500萬個(gè)周期



The Tork-Mate 890 series extended life actuators are ideal for the operation of 90° turn devices such as butterfly valves, ball valves, plug valves, damper valves and other devices. Tork-Mate 890系列的壽命延長執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)理想為90°轉(zhuǎn)彎的操作設(shè)備如蝶閥、球閥、旋塞閥、阻尼器閥門和其他設(shè)備。Tork-Mate pneumatic actuators have features that are unique, providing many benefits to the user looking for worry-free service.Tork-Mate氣動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)特性,是*的,向用戶提供很多好處尋找無憂服務(wù)。

 TMHC 2324TMHC 2324

A proprietary two-step hardcoat process that offers superior protecion on interior and exterior housing surfaces. 專有兩步硬蓋過程,提供*的protecion住房內(nèi)部和外部的表面。TMHC 2324 also ensures maximum life from the piston seals, piston bearings and heel bearings.TMHC 2324也從活塞密封保證長的使用壽命,活塞軸承和腳后跟軸承。

 NAMUR Mounting那慕爾安裝

Tork-Mate 890 series actuators meet the latest NAMUR standards, allowing direct or close coup of NAMUR designed accessories. Tork-Mate 890系列電動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)符合的防爆型標(biāo)準(zhǔn),允許直接或防爆型的緊耦合設(shè)計(jì)配件。The pinion interface features a positive, international standard drive for positioners, switches and other accessories. 積極的小齒輪界面特性,際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)推動(dòng)定位器、開關(guān)和其他配件。The solenoid interface allows direct acceptance of any NAMUR designed control valves.那慕爾的電磁閥接口允許直接接受設(shè)計(jì)控制閥門。*Posi-flate氣動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu) 閥


Easily removable end caps and modular spring packs simplify the conversion from double-acting to spring-return configurations.容易移動(dòng)端帽和模塊化的彈簧包從雙作用簡化轉(zhuǎn)換回位彈簧配置。



 Travel Adjustment旅游調(diào)整

The Tork-Mate 890 series actuators feature pinion travel stops that allow a full +/-10° of valve travel adjustment. Tork-Mate 890系列電動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)特性齒輪停止旅行,允許一個(gè)完整+ / -10°閥調(diào)整旅行。As an option, extended stroke adjustment screws can be added for inexpensive thrott applications.作為一個(gè)選項(xiàng),可以添加擴(kuò)展中風(fēng)調(diào)整螺絲為廉價(jià)節(jié)流應(yīng)用。

 Extended Cycle Life延長循環(huán)壽命

Special piston seals provide greatly extended life compared to standard O-ring actuators. 特殊的活塞密封o形環(huán)致動(dòng)器提供極大地?cái)U(kuò)展的生活相比,標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。All other bearings, seals and components have been engineered to provide superior and extended service lives.所有其他軸承、密封和組件工程提供和延長使用壽命。

 Blow-out Proof Pinion Gear防吹出行星齒輪

In addition to the stainless steel pinion retaining ring, the Tork-Mate 890 series actuators feature a unique internal safety bar.除了不銹鋼齒輪扣環(huán),Tork-Mate 890系列電動(dòng)執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)特性特的內(nèi)部安全桿。

 Operating Ranges操作范圍

Tork-Mate 890 series double-acting actuators produce guaranteed minimum torque outputs up to 17,466 inch pounds (1973 Nm).Tork-Mate 890系列雙作用執(zhí)行器生產(chǎn)保證小轉(zhuǎn)矩輸出高達(dá)17466英寸磅(1973海里)。

 Custom Options自定義選項(xiàng)

These include Viton® seals, high temperature trim up to 250° F (121° C), special finishes, stainless steel pinions, special mounting configurations and special coup configurations.這些包括氟橡膠®海豹,高溫削減到250°F(121°C),特殊的完成,不銹鋼齒輪、特殊安裝配置和特殊耦合配置。

 Imperial or Metric Mounting英制或公制安裝

Operation Principles操作原則


For clockwise operation, Port 2 (P2) is open to atmosphere and air pressure is directed to Port 1 (P1). 為順時(shí)針操作,端口2(P2)是開放的氣氛和空氣壓力指向端口1(P1)。As the pistons move apart, the pinion rotates clockwise. 當(dāng)活塞移動(dòng),小齒輪旋轉(zhuǎn)順時(shí)針。The linear movement of the pistons is converted to rotary活塞的直線運(yùn)動(dòng)轉(zhuǎn)化為回轉(zhuǎn)motion by the piston racks and the output pinion gear.運(yùn)動(dòng)的活塞架和輸出小齒輪。

For counter-clockwise operation, Port 1 is open to atmosphere and air pressure is directed to Port 2.為逆時(shí)針方向操作,端口1是開放大氣和空氣壓力是針對端口2。

The pressure differential moves the pistons together, rotating the pinion counterclockwise.壓差移動(dòng)活塞,小齒輪逆時(shí)針旋轉(zhuǎn)。


 Spring Return春天的返回

For clockwise operation, Port 2 is open to atmosphere and air pressure is directed to Port 1. 為順時(shí)針操作,端口2是開放大氣和空氣壓力端口1。The air pressure compresses the springs and moves the pistons outward. 壓縮空氣壓力彈簧和活塞向外移動(dòng)。As the pistons move apart, the pinion rotates clockwise.當(dāng)活塞移動(dòng),小齒輪旋轉(zhuǎn)順時(shí)針。The linear movement of the pistons is converted to rotary motion by the piston racks and the output pinion gear.活塞的直線運(yùn)動(dòng)轉(zhuǎn)化為旋轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)動(dòng)的活塞架和輸出小齒輪。

For counter-clockwise operation, Port 1 is open to atmosphere and air pressure is directed to Port 2. 為逆時(shí)針方向操作,端口1是開放大氣和空氣壓力是針對端口2。High pressure and/or spring force moves the pistons inward, rotating the pinion counterclockwise.高壓和/或彈簧力向內(nèi)移動(dòng)活塞,小齒輪逆時(shí)針旋轉(zhuǎn)。


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